MagnaPool vs Freshwater Pool System: Myths Debunked | MagnaPool

MagnaPool vs Freshwater Pool System: Myths Debunked


Navigating the pool sanitisation options can be confusing, with various claims about "low salt", "salt-free", and even "chlorine-free" systems. Understanding these differences is important, especially when considering the operating costs over time. Before we look at these pool systems, we need to talk about how vital chlorine is in your pool water. 

Chlorine is a chemical that kills bacteria, algae, and other yucky stuff that can be present in your pool. It's used not just in pools but also in tap water and bleach for its effective sanitising properties and has been used widely for decades in swimming pools because of its safety profile for humans and animals. All pools require some form of chlorine or sanitising agent, including the freshwater system, which produces chlorine. The difference between various pool systems lies in how they produce chlorine and the amount of chlorine in the pool water.

While freshwater pool systems might seem like a recent innovation, they have been part of the pool industry for quite some time. Understanding how these systems work is crucial in debunking common misconceptions and appreciating the superior qualities of alternatives like MagnaPool.

What is a Freshwater Pool System?

A freshwater pool system relies on a combination of silver and copper ionisation and minimal oxidisation to sanitise pool water. The ionisation process introduces copper ions, known for their algae-inhibiting properties, and silver ions, recognised for their bacterial killing efficiency. This leads us to explore some common myths about these systems.

Myth #1: Freshwater Pool Systems are Chlorine-Free.

It's a common belief that freshwater pool systems are completely free of chlorine or use significantly fewer chemicals. Interestingly, while these pools are sometimes marketed as "chlorine-free", they do contain chlorine, produced through a process similar to a chlorinator by inducing electrolysis in its oxidation cell. This process results in the production of chlorine, which is essential for these systems to function effectively as residual sanitisers in the pool water.

Myth #2: Freshwater Pool Systems are Truly "Freshwater"

The term "freshwater" in pool systems can be misleading. No pool can be entirely "freshwater" in the strictest sense, as some form of sanitation is necessary to keep the water safe for swimming. In fact, most systems that are labelled as freshwater still require the addition of salt or minerals. This is necessary to raise the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) to a level (typically around 800ppm or higher) that is sufficient to generate enough chlorine for effective sanitisation.

Myth #3: Freshwater Pool Systems Use Minimal Chemical

The appeal of freshwater systems lies in their promise of minimal chemical use. However, these systems have their limitations. The ions, while effective against bacteria and algae, have a short lifespan and may struggle to cope with high bather loads and hot weather. In such scenarios, manual chlorine dosing is typically required to maintain water quality. 


Myth #4: Freshwater Pool Systems Require Less Maintenance  

Contrary to what some might believe, freshwater pools often demand more maintenance. This is because there's a higher risk of these pools experiencing issues like algae bloom, which turns the water green. To prevent this from happening, it's crucial to pay closer attention to water health and balance. Regular monitoring and maintenance are key to ensuring that freshwater pools remain clean and safe for use.

Myth #5: Freshwater Pool Systems Don't Stain the Pool

Freshwater pools are usually considered to be less harsh on pool surfaces. However, the high output of copper ions from ionisers may cause staining issues, particularly on fibreglass pool shells. As a result, if your freshwater system uses a silver/copper ioniser (which is often used as the backup secondary sanitiser), most fibreglass pool manufacturers will not provide a warranty for your pool if they are used.

Myth #6: Freshwater Pools Offer the Same Health Benefits as MagnaPool

A common misconception is that freshwater pools offer the same health benefits as MagnaPool systems. However, this is not the case. Freshwater pools lack magnesium ions, which are a key feature of MagnaPool systems. Magnesium ions, absorbed transdermally (through the skin), are known for their therapeutic benefits. Therefore, while freshwater pools provide basic sanitation, they do not offer the unique health advantages associated with MagnaPool's magnesium-enriched water.


Myth #7: Freshwater Pools Offer the Same Comfort to MagnaPool

There's a belief that the comfort level of freshwater pools is on par with MagnaPool systems, but this overlooks the significance of water salinity. The human body has a natural salinity of about 0.4% or 4000ppm, closely matched by MagnaPool's salinity level. Freshwater pools, with significantly lower salinity, can lead to quicker skin 'pruning' due to osmosis effects. MagnaPool's salinity level is not only more comfortable but also enhances the transdermal absorption of beneficial magnesium ions, a feature absent in freshwater systems.

Myth #8: Freshwater Pools Reduced Harmful Byproducts

It's a misconception that freshwater pools have fewer harmful byproducts than other chlorinated systems. However, MagnaPool systems are the ones that notably reduce these byproducts by around 40%, thanks to their advanced flocculation and filtration processes. In contrast, freshwater pools still maintain the presence of these byproducts at levels comparable to traditional chlorinated systems.

Bottom Line

While freshwater pool systems have been marketed with various appealing claims, it's clear that they come with limitations in terms of maintenance, health benefits, and overall water quality. MagnaPool systems, on the other hand, offer a more balanced and beneficial approach, especially with their magnesium-enriched water, providing a therapeutic experience while maintaining high sanitary standards. 

To find out more about MagnaPool, contact one of our MagnaPool specialists.